The digital marketing team at Flex continues to grow. And as the business grows, so does the team! We’d like to send a warm welcome to Marek, a talented digital marketeer who we’re sure will fit right in at Flex Digital.

Here are Marek’s answers to our famous new starter questions:

What’s your working background, and how did you come to work for Flex?

I’ve been doing digital marketing for nearly 8 years now. I started as an affiliate marketer promoting different products in search engines. This started my passion and continuous learning of SEO (Search Engine Optimisation). A few years ago I changed my profile and began to work mainly as SEO, initially as a freelance contractor and then I joined a company where I further developed my SEO skills and also started working on other aspects of their business.

For some time I wanted to work in a client-focused company to further develop my skills and overcome my limitations.  I live in Bristol, therefore, Flex Digital was a natural choice for me and I’m happy that I received a chance to work here.

Describe your job to a six-year-old.

When you ask Google something I like it when my answers come out.

What are you looking forward to working on the most?

I’m looking forward to working more on PPC campaigns for clients to develop my skills in this area.

What tech breakthroughs do you think we’ll be seeing in the next ten years?

I think we will see a growth of the metaverse where more and more people will be having parallel lives in real life and in virtual reality. I’m not saying that it’s something I’m particularly keen to explore myself but I see that development on this front is growing fast.

What do you like doing outside of work, any unusual hobbies?

I don’t have any unusual hobbies but I love to cycle and explore Bristol and its surroundings by bike.

Favourite film/TV show/podcast?

One of my favourite films is Interstellar. I generally like the SF genre but this film is on the other level and it moved me deeply.

I also love the Stranger Things series on Netflix which I watch with my teenage son.

Do you have any hidden talents, or is there an interesting fact about you?

Before coming to the UK I lived in California for over a year and travelled with a group of friends across southwest US states.

I naively thought that English is more or less the same in all English-speaking countries. I had a wake-up call for the first few months in the UK trying to understand people.

What book should everyone read?

I read mainly non-fiction books and recently I read The Wim Hof Method by Wim Hof. I’m fascinated by his story and what he is able to do and endure. I would recommend this book to anyone who wants to explore the possibilities of body and mind. I have not done anything crazy so far but I’m experimenting with cold showers.

At Flex we listen to a lot of music and make far too many playlists. What are your go-to songs and/or artists?

I’m the kid of the 90s and rock, metal and especially grunge from that era are still my all-time favourite. Bands like Pearl Jam, Foo Fighters, and Red Hot Chilli Peppers are always improving my mood.

I like to drive long distances and each year I prepare a playlist with my son, songs that we listen to while driving. He introduces me to new bands and genres and I try to convince him to oldies.

Share a meme that sums up you or your job…

Draw yourself!

I can’t really draw well enough but this is me according to my 6-year-old son.


If you’re interested in raising your businesses online profile and generating fresh leads each month, then get in touch with our digital marketing team by booking a call with our Head of Digital, Rich today